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SESS10N > Lineup > Sebastian Wohlrapp

Sebastian Wohlrapp


Sebastian Wohlrapp has over 20 years of experience in software development, transformation support, and company building. Before joining diconium, he worked as the founder and CEO of a startup focused on a hybrid AI platform for digital twins of organizations. Prior to that, he served as the Head of Digital Business Platform at Porsche and was the Founder and Managing Director of Sebastian Wohlrapp was already with diconium from 2009 to 2015 during which time he established diconium strategy and, as a Managing Partner, successfully positioned it in the market.

Managing director | diconium

Main Room
15:00 - 15:30


Outsourcing vs. Insourcing: The Dilemma of 'Do It Yourself' and 'Done with Others’

The competitiveness of companies is under pressure. As budget discussions intensify, companies must strategically prioritize what generates the greatest value, considering long-term growth, innovation potential, and market positioning. This requires balancing between strategic benefits and cost, especially when it comes to their digital initiatives. Companies must decide: Insource or outsource digital capabilities? 

 In this panel discussion, the guests with their diverse perspectives will dive deeper into 'Do It Yourself' and 'Done with Others´ and highlight the opportunities and challenges. They will also examine why speed, resource availability, and internal capabilities are crucial factors in making this decision and how to effectively assess the make-or-buy dilemma. 

 Join this panel discussion to gain valuable insights into different strategies and find out how you can get the best out of it for your business.